
Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa ft. Bruno Mars - Young, Wild and Free

Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa ft. Bruno Mars - Young, Wild and Free

[Hook: Bruno Mars]
So what we get drunk?
So what we smoke weed?
We’re just having fun
We don’t care who sees
So what we go out?
That’s how it's supposed to be
Living young and wild and free

[Verse 1: Wiz Khalifa]
Uh, Uh huh
So what I keep ‘em rolled up?
Saggin’ my pants, not caring what I show
Keep it real with my niggas
Keep it player for these hoes
And look clean don't it?
Washed it the other day, watch how you lean on it
Give me some 501 jeans on it
Roll joints bigger than King Kong’s fingers
And smoke them hoes down ’til they stingers
You a class clown and if I skip for the day
I’m with your bitch smokin’ grade A

[Hook: Bruno Mars]
So what we get drunk?
So what we smoke weed?
We’re just having fun
We don’t care who sees
So what we go out?
That’s how it's supposed to be
Living young and wild and free

[Verse 1: Snoop Dogg]

yeah, uh
You know what?
It’s like I’m 17 again
Peach fuzz on my face
Lookin’, on the case
Tryna find a hella taste
Oh my god, I’m on the chase, Chevy
It's gettin’ kinda heavy, relevant, sellin’ it
Dippin’ away, time keeps slippin’ away
Zip in the safe, flippin’ for pay
Tippin’ like I’m drippin’ in paint
Up front, four blunts, like, “Khalifa put the weed in a J”

[Hook: Bruno Mars]
So what we get drunk?
So what we smoke weed?
We’re just having fun
We don’t care who sees
So what we go out?
That’s how it's supposed to be
Living young and wild and free

[Bridge: Wiz Khalifa]
Yeah, roll one, smoke one
When you live like this you’re supposed to party
Roll one, smoke one, and we all just having fun
So we just, roll one, smoke one
When you live like this you’re supposed to party
Roll one, smoke one, and we all just having fun

[Hook: Bruno Mars]
So what we get drunk?
So what we smoke weed?
We’re just having fun
We don’t care who sees
So what we go out?
That’s how it's supposed to be
Living young and wild and free


Kopi Asin

Ya, kopi asin. Mungkin pertama buat sebagian dari kalian membayangkan kata-kata itu kan? ya begitulah. Gue sendiri bukan hanya membayangkan kata-kata tersebut, tapi juga langsung mencicipinya. Ini suatu pengalaman yang keren banget. Bagaimanapun, gue orang pertama mungkin yang mencoba langsung kopi ini, ya setidaknya dalam tatanan keluarga gue dan suatu kehormatan yang ngga disengaja buat gue dan...

Gue ngga mau dikasi kehormatan itu lagi!

Jarang banget gue ngopi sebenernya. Dulu gue malah suka menghindari kopi, atau mungkin lebih tepatnya gue emang ngga suka ngopi. Tapi ada kebiasaan yang sangat pengen gue hindari melebihi kopi dan gue pernah mendapat pengalaman buruk soal itu. Itu adalah "Tidur slow motion" didalam kelas dan itu seringnya pada saat jam pelajaran sedang berlangsung. Dan itu direkam oleh teman sekelas gue dan dimasukin kedalam grup kelas gue di facebook, seterus nya itu jadi trending topik. Sungguh pengalaman yang sangat indah o,O. Well, kebiasaan itu dimulai dari dulu. Semenjak gue dilarang tidur lewat dari jam 9 malam semenjak SD untuk menjaga prestasi gue yang memang dulu gue cukup produktivitas dalam "mencetak" nilai-nilai bagus di raport.

Nah, setelah tamat kelas 6 gue minta dibeliin PS, PS2. Semenjak kelas 4 SD sih gue udah minta beliin, tapi pas jaman rental PS masih rame dengan PS1. Ntah salah beli atau apa, gue malah dibeliin game, gameboy, pokoknya permainan anak-anak yang anak-anak banget. Gitulah pokoknya. Tapi gue bersyukur dibeliin itu, daripada gue dibeliin sekotak boneka barbie atau satu set PLAY-DOH kan itu sangat memalukan bagi gue pas kecil yang dulunya gue adalah bocah pemberani dan selalu mencoba membuat keajaiban, walaupun itu gagal dan ditertawakan. 

Setelah gue dapet PS2 gue ini, gue jadi jarang belajar. Sangat sangat jarang belajar menurut gue dibanding gue dulu. Pelajaran kelas 1 SMP susah sih dibanding pelajaran kelas 1 SD. Gitu pikir gue, dan gue jadi "agak" malas berusaha setiap nemuin kesulitan dalam pelajaran. Eh, tapi nggak juga sih, pas punya PS2 gue masih sering belajar kok. Belajar teknik baru di SMACKDOWN, gimana bisa nonjok, tendang yang lebih akurat. Main DYNASTY WARRIORS, gimana bisa dapetin kuda bulenya si LUBU. Atau main WINNING ELEVEN gunain pemain dengan ability sempurna hasil ciptaan gue sendiri. Semua gue lakuin hampir setiap pulang sekolah, setiap hari dan gue masih merasa kekurangan waktu dan kurang puas buat main, main, dan main lagi. 

Dari sini tergiur lah gue buat ngelanggar peraturan yang umurnya sudah setengah dari kehidupan gue. Peraturan yang sudah lebih dari 6 tahun yang gue patuhi dari orang tua gue. Pertama-tamanya memang hasil curi-curi dan agak susah, tapi lama-kelamaan gue jadi semakin ahli dan orang tua semakin "melonggarkan" gue buat melakukan ini. Alhasil gue punya sangat banyak waktu dan kesempatan buat main lebih lama lagi, dan pada saat-saat ini gue sering ditinggalin kedua orang tua gue dirumah sampe larut malam juga dikarenakan kita mau pindah rumah dari rumah kekontrakan kerumah sendiri dan itu proses pembangunannya sering diawasi oleh kedua orang tua gue dan mereka juga ikut bantu-bantu biar cepet selesai. Ya, tindakan gue selalu punya alasan tepat.

Namun akibatnya, gue disekolah jadi lebih mudah ngantuk dan sulit berkonsentrasi. Sering curi-curi tidur dalam kelas dan kadang emang bener ketiduran. Berlanjut terus sampe kelas 3 SMP pun, waktu gue duduk tepat didepan meja guru, gue ketiduran. Tapi tentunya gue pilih-pilih guru juga kalo mau tidur, nah guru yang satu ini adalah guru matematika gue sekaligus guru les gue. Dia biarin aja, malahan 39 orang-teman gue yang lain ngetawain gue dan itu samar-samar kedengeran dan malah gurunya bilang: "udah biarin dia tidur sampe puas, kecapekan kayanya. lanjut kalian catatnya..."
Bukan tanpa alasan, gue bisa dibilang disini adalah "sang juara" karena dengan murid yang lain gue sangat mampu bersaing dalam setiap pengambilan nilai maupun ulangan. Terutama pelajaran bahasa inggris.
Tapi semenjak PS gue tiba-tiba rusak pada suatu hari. Gue jadi jarang begadang sih memang, tapi malah buat gue malan ngga semangat plus malas ngulang pelajaran. Walaupun jarang pas punya PS, tiba waktunya belajar sesekali gue sangat semangat. Apalagi itu menyangkut tugas kelompok, gue merasa harus jadi yang terdepan dan memimpin teman-teman sekelompok gue yang lain. Itu insting alami gue dulu, begitulah adanya. Tapi itu juga didukung kinerja teman-teman yang juga solid pada waktu itu. Gue jadi jarang begadang karena PS, gue malah sering begadang karena nonton TV.

Setelah masuk STM, gue jadi sering begadang karena laptop dan game. Nah dari kelas 1 gue udah keliatan gelagat pemalasnya, awal yang buruk. Tidak seperti permulaan SD maupun permulaan SMP. Gue gagal ambil kendali dalam urusan nilai. Karena gue pikir sekarang, itu disebabkan habbit gue beberapa tahun sebelumnya. Semakin memburuk lagi pada waktu prakerin, gue selalu keliatan letih dan lelah dan gue masih juga sering begadang. Dan sekarang kelas 3 semester 2 mendekati UN, gue bertekad untuk tidak tidur diatas jam 11 malam. Dan semakin maju gue mencoba meningkatkan nya jadi jam 10 malam, bahkan 9 malam. kadang berhasil, kadang juga tidak. Yah memang perubahan itu butuh proses x). Gue mulai mencoba minum kopi, hanya kalau gue begadang dan tidur lewat dari jam 11 malam. Karena gue ngga mau ngantuk apalagi mengulang "Tidur slow motion" itu lagi.
"Tidur slow motion" adalah tidur yang ngga pengen tidur dan itu hanya intercept untuk menahan kantuk dengan perlahan menahan kepala agar tidak terjatuh, understand it? Bila tidak hubungi rumah sakit terdekat.

Tibalah suatu malam saat gue begadang, karena kebetulan gue lagi ngebuat "kultwit". Dan saat gue  liat jam udah jam 12 lewat, sebelum tidur gue ngelakuin beberapa ritual dahsyat buat kesehatan, sikat gigi dan cuci muka serta cuci kaki misalnya. Gue tidur sampe jam 1 malam, karena udah dikasur pun rasa kantuknya lama datang. Ini sebenernya dalam hati gue kesel kenapa harus sampe jam satu, tapi ya sudahlah semua udah kejadian. Nah besok nya gue bangun, seperti yang gue rencanain kalo gue begadang gue ganti minuman "teh hangat pagi" gue dengan "kopi hangat pagi". Dalam keadaan yang agak gelap karena lampu dapur udah dimatiin orang tua, dan ngga boleh dihidupin. Karena katanya sih kalo mati idup lampu, nanti tagihan listrik nya gede. Ya biarinlah, lagian mata gue nggak rabun juga. Masih kelihatan apa yang mau gue kerjain.

Dalam keadaan setengah ngantuk, gue kedapur dan bikin kopi. 1,5 sendok kapal api dan 2 sendok gula pasir diaduk rata dalam gelas bir dengan air hampir penuh. Dan gue langsung mengenakan seragam gue sambil nunggu kopinya agak angetan. Pas gue mau pergi, gue seruput dah itu kopi. Pertama baunya agak aneh memang, ah gue pikir itu bau kentut semut yang ada sekitarnya. And... DAMN!! Itu kopi rasanya asin banget. Belum satu tegukan gue langsung mual, dan kopinya gue buang ke tempat pencucian piring. Ternyata setelah gue perhatiin memang yang gue masukin adalah garam dapur bukan gula pasir. Abis toplesnya mirip-mirip sih. Ruangan setengah gelap dan kondisi setengah ngantuk, gue yakin 9,5 dari 10 orang dari kalian bakal...

TERHINDAR dari yang gue alami. 

Yah, gue akui itu memang kesalahan gue dan ibu gue cukup ketawa mendengar gue cerita beberapa kemudian, beliau ngga tau karena lagi nyiramin bunga hasil rawatannya dipekarangan sempit depan rumah. Tapi setidaknya itu cukup membuat gue jauh dari kantuk pas disekolah hari itu, tapi dekat dengan rasa pengen muntah. Sangat dekat.
Gue coba tahan semampu mungkin, apalagi kalo gue ngeliat orang terus gue muntah kan kasian dia makan hasil daur ulang perut gue. Gue melewati hari itu dan kepercayaan diri tinggi, kepercayaan diri bahwa gue ngga bakal muntahin anak orang, guru atau apapun. Dan ternyata gue berhasil. Tapi haruskah gue berjoget dengan Dora dan Boots buat bilang "We Did it, we did it.."


Bad Meets Evil ft. Bruno Mars - Lighters

Bad Meets Evil ft. Bruno Mars - Lighters
[Bruno Mars:]
This one's for you and me, living out our dreams
We're all right where we should be
Lift my arms out wide, I open my eyes
And now all I wanna see
Is a sky full of lighters
A sky full of lighters

By the time you hear this I will have already spiralled up
I would never do nothing to let you cowards fuck my world up
If I was you I would duck, or get struck, like lightning,
Fighters keep fighting, put your lighters up, point em' skyward uh
Had a dream, I was king, I woke up, still king
This rap game's nipple is mine for the milking,
Till nobody else even fucking feels me, till' it kills me
I swear to God I'll be the fucking illest in this music
There is or there ever will be, disagree?
Feel free, but from now on I'm refusing to ever give up
Only thing I ever gave up using's no more excuses
Excuse me if my head is too big for this building
And pardon me if I'm a cocky prick but you cocks are slick
Poppin shit on how you flipped ya life around, crock-o-shit
Who you dicks try to kid, flipped dick, you did the opposite
You stayed the same, cause cock backwards is still cock you pricks
I love it when I tell em shove it
Cause it wasn't that, long ago when Marshall sat, flustered lack, lustered
Cause he couldn't cut mustard, muster up, nothing
Brain fuzzy, cause he's buzzin', woke up from that buzzin'
Now you wonder why he does it, how he does it
Wasn't cause he had buzzards circlin' around his head
Waiting for him to drop dead, was it?
Or was it cause them bitches wrote him off
Little hussy ass, scuzzes, fuck it, guess it doesn't matter now, does it
What difference it make?
What it take to get it through your thick skulls
That this ain't some bullshit
People don't usually come back this way
From a place that was dark as I was in
Just to get to this place
Now let these words be like a switch blade to a haters rib cage
And let it be known that from this day forward
I wanna just say thanks cause your hate is what gave me the strength
So let em bic's raise cause I came with 5'9" but I feel like I'm 6'8″!

[Bruno Mars:]
This one's for you and me, living out our dreams
We're all right where we should be
With my arms out wide I open my eyes
And now all I wanna see
Is a sky full of lighters
A sky full of lighters

[Royce Da 5'9":]
By the time you hear this I'll probably already be outtie
I advance like going from toting iron to going and buying 4 or 5 of the homies the iron man Audi
My daddy told me slow down, boy, you goin' to blow it
And I ain't gotta stop the beat a minute
To tell Shady I love him the same way that he did, Dr. Dre on the Chronic
Tell him how real he is or how high I am
Or how I would kill for him for him to know it
I cried plenty tears, my daddy got a bad back
So it's only right that I write till he can march right into that post office and tell em to hang it up
Now his career's Lebron's jersey in 20 years
I'll stop when I'm at the very top
You shittin' on me on your way up
It's 'bout to be a scary drop
Cause what goes up, must come down
You going down on something you don't wanna see, like a hairy box
Every hour, happy hour now
Life is wacky now
Used to have to eat the cat to get the pussy
Now I'm just the cats meooww, ow
Classic cow, always down for the catch weight like Pacquiao
Ya'll are doomed
I remember when T-Pain ain't wanna work with me
My car starts itself, parks itself and autotunes
Cause now I'm in the Astin
I went from having my city locked up
To getting treated like Kwame Kilpatrick
And now I'm fantastic
Compared to a weed high
And y'all niggas just gossipin' like bitches on a radio and TV
See me, we fly
Y'all buggin out like Wendy Williams staring at a bee-hive
And how real is that
I remember signing my first deal and now I'm the second best, I can deal with that
Now Bruno can show his ass, without the MTV awards gagg...

[Bruno Mars:]
You and I know what it's like to be kicked down
Forced to fight
But tonight, we're alright
So hold up your lights
Let it shine
Cause, this one's for you and me, living out our dreams
We're all right where we should be
With my arms out wide, I open my eyes
And now all I wanna see
Is a sky full of lighters
A sky full of lighters

T.I. ft. Keri Hilson - Got Your Back

T.I. ft. Keri Hilson - Got Your Back

[T.I. Intro]
Aye Shawty I Know You Be Hearin This
And That From Here And There
But Please Trust And Believe
Lil' Mama I See You Gone
Ride For Me So imma Die For You
Is You Wit Me?(Well Let's Get It)

[Keri Hilson:]
I got your back boy

[Chorus: Keri Hilson & T.I.]
When were high(T.I.:From when its all good)
When were low(T.I.:To when its all bad)
Boy I promise I will never let you go
Said I got I got I got I got yo' back boy
(Now What you call dat)
I got I got I got I got yo' back boy
(I know you got my back right)
Keep my swagger
Keep it looking good for ya
Keep it looking hood for ya
Shawty if you don't know
I got I got I got I got your back boy
I got I got I got I got your back boy

[T.I. Verse 1]
Hey it's whatever shawty
You ain't gotta ask
Yes, Valentino blouses, summer houses, cash, check!
You can get it you deserve it, flawless diamonds, Louie purses,
My mission's to purchase Earth for her
Present the gifts without the curse
Her pleasure is my purpose
Pleasure to be at your service
We front row at fashion shows
As well as Sunday morning service
But better days or for worse
If I'm paid or I'm hurting in my pocket
She still got a nigga back, know that's for sure
No matter what may occur in life
Everyday with her is like a plus
I'mma love her til she be like that's enough
Pop a bottle get a couple wine glasses fill em up and lift em up
Let us toast to the future here's to us
No, here's to her

[Keri Hilson - Bridge]
They wonder how we do what we do
Panamera Porsches me and you
Stuck to your side like like like glue
Be by your side whatever your gonna do


[T.I. Verse 2]
This is for the women who man caught a sentence
Who gon be there for a minute but they didn't keep their distance
They stayed home waiting on the phone
And on visit day show up looking good smelling better, playing kissy face
Just wanna let you know we appreciate(I appreciate you baby)
Everything you do for us on a day to day
And I know we don't show you all the time but we lucky that you ours
No bouquet of flowers could ever show how much we know we need you
We do all that's in our power just to please you
See boo, fuck them girls, I would leave the World 'fore I leave you
May God say even Eve and Adam ain't got shit on these two



[T.I. Verse 3]
Sure enough
Even though them chicks be hating on us
Still I'm gonna keep her by my side
In whatever situation we gon ride
Make all my fantasies come alive
That's no lie now
I’ll be, alright just as long as you beside me
10 million dollar mansions won't suffice
If you ain't gon be in there with me at night
The pieces to the puzzles in my life
With all of my good days and all of my bad
You stood by your man(stood by my man) and you know you got my back
Worth every car, every bag, with me they wanna be that
I know what I got at home
I ain't gon never leave that
Them bitches best believe that


N-Dubz - Girls

N-Dubz - Girls

Na Na
Girlssssss, I fuck with themmmm

I don't usually fall in love with them,
But you should be prescribed to me,
Some chicks are drugs to men
A lot deserve the finer things in life
And I think your one of them
Money ain't shit got loads to blow, show me a signal.
Let me know, if you wanna have a better life then baby you no where to go
Its coming I quick, it ain't flowing in slow
Like I said let me know, if weezy made it rain,
Then I can make it snow

Girlssssss, I'm loving them,
But I won't let them get the best of me
Girlssss, I'm loving them,
I get them all around the world
What would I do without you,
What would you do without me,
Don't need to tell you baby coz its plain for us to see,
Girlssss, I'm loving them
girls girls girls

Girlsssss, I fuck with them,
They be pinging off my phone telling me they all alone
And they sitting at home while I'm trying to get that dough
And that's why they call me the baddest bitch,
Coz I switch off the rolls
I'm the one that drives the crazy,
They all wish I was there lady
But I'm earning more than them and they say damn that bitch is lazy
I am the biggest female boss that ever lived,
And everything that you done I've been and did

Girlssssss, I'm loving them,
But I won't let them get the best of me
Girlssss, I'm loving them,
I get them all around the world
What would I do without you,
What would you do without me,
Don't need to tell you baby coz its plain for us to see,
Girlssss, I'm loving them
girls girls girls

When your girlfriend says she's on her way,
And your staring at the clock in frustration thinking why is she so late
I just can't live without them, they'll break your heart no doubt
I'm the reason why she's never coming back,
Simply can't leave me around them

Girlsssss, I fuck with them,
Tell em anything they wanna hear so by the end of the night, I'm fucking them
Girlsss, I fuck with them,
And I know they all gassed not like Mariah,
You know what I'm in love in with theeeeemmmm!

Girlssssss, I'm loving them,
But I won't let them get the best of me
Girlssss, I'm loving them,
I get them all around the world
What would I do without you,
What would you do without me,
Don't need to tell you baby coz its plain for us to see,
Girlssss, I'm loving them
girls girls girls

Hyper Crush - The Arcade

Hyper Crush - The Arcade

Nintendo Power Gloves,
Locked and loaded with my finger on the trigger.
And you'll notice that a fuck is what I give a.
With the zapper gun game,
If you're with it come hang,
If you're not then you're lame.
D-Duck, D-Duck Season,
Wh-What, Wh-What Heathen,
Give up for no reason?
Man, We make the party go.
Collect dimes like Super Mario.

You know I like the way you play the arcade,
You know you like the way I'm running the game,
I'm sure you're always gonna want some, always gonna want some more.
I know you really want to beat that, really want to beat that score.

Segatron Genesis- Call me the wizard.
I'm number one on the list.
My highest score, I'm the legend of the arcade.
Speeding up your heart rate.
Beatin' like a hard game.
Drop it down to 8 bit.
Bouncing like Donkey Kong.
I'm going Ape Shit!

Hyper color - so you can see us Glow.
Glow, Everybody.
I want to see you go...

You Know I like the way you play the arcade,
You know you like the way I'm running the game,
I'm sure you're always gonna want some, always gonna want some more.
I know you really want to beat that, really want to beat that score.

I'm sure you're always gonna want some, always gonna want some more.
I know you really want to beat that, really want to beat that score.

I'm sure you're always gonna want some, always gonna want some more.
I know you really want to beat that, really want to beat that score.

The Black Eyed Peas - The Time (Dirty Bit)

The Black Eyed Peas - The Time (Dirty Bit)

(This is international)
(Big mega radio smasher)

I had the time of my life
And I never felt this way before
And I swear this is true
And I owe it all to you

Oh I had the time of my life
And I never felt this way before
And I swear this is true
And I owe it all to you-y-y-y-y-yy-y-y-y

... dirty bit
... dirty bit

I-I came up in here to rock
Light a fire make it hot
I don't wanna take no pictures
I just wanna take some shots so
Come on let's go
Let's lose control
Let's do it all night
'Till we can do it no more
People rock it to the sound
Turn it up and watch it pound
We gon' rock it to the top
'Till the roof come burning down
Yea it's hot in here
The temperature
Has got these ladies gettin' freakier

I got freaky, freaky, baby
I was chillin with my ladies
I didn't come to get boji
I come here to get crazy
I was born to get wild
That's my style
If you didn't know that,
Well baby now you know now,

'Cause I'm
A good time with you
I'm tellin' you

I had the time of my life
And I never felt this way before
And I swear this is true
And I owe it all to you

Oh I had the time of my life
And I never felt this way before
And I swear this is true
And I owe it all to you y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y

... dirty bit
... dirty bit

A-All these girls they like my swagger
They callin me Mick Jagger
I be rollin like a stone
Jet setter, Jet lagger
We ain't messin' with no maggots
Messin' with the baddest
Chicks in the club
Honey what's up
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the baddest of them all
It's gotta be the apl
I'm the mac daddy, ya'll
Haters better step back
Ladies don't load you're act
I'm the party application rock it just like that

(This is international)
(Big mega radio smasher)

'Cause I'm
A good time with you
I'm tellin' you

I-I-I-I'v had the time of my li-I-fe
And I never felt this way before-fore
And I swear-wear this is true ue-ue-ue
And I owe it all to you

Oh I-I-I I'v had the time of my li-I-fe
And I never felt this way before-fore
And I swear-wear this is true-ue-ue-ue
And I owe it all to you

I-I-I-I-I had the time of my li-I-fe
And I never felt this way before-fore
And I swear-wear this is true-ue-ue-ue
And I owe it all to you

Oh I-I-I-I'v had the time of my li-I-fe
And I never felt this way before-fore
And I swear-wear this is true-ue-ue-ue
And I owe it all to you

... dirty bit

Jay Z ft. Alicia Keys - Empire State of Mind

Jay Z ft. Alicia Keys - Empire State of Mind


[Verse 1: Jay-Z]
Yea I'm out that Brooklyn, now I'm down in TriBeCa
right next to Deniro, but I'll be hood forever
I'm the new Sinatra, and... since I made it here
I can make it anywhere, yea, they love me everywhere
I used to cop in Harlem, all of my Dominicano's
right there up on Broadway, pull me back to that McDonald's
Took it to my stashbox, 560 State St.
catch me in the kitchen like a Simmons with them Pastry's
Cruisin' down 8th St., off white Lexus
drivin' so slow, but BK is from Texas
Me, I'm out that Bed-Stuy, home of that boy Biggie
now I live on Billboard and I brought my boys with me
Say what's up to Ty-Ty, still sippin' mai tai's
sittin' courtside, Knicks & Nets give me high five
Nigga I be Spike'd out, I could trip a referee
Tell by my attitude that I'm most definitely from....

[Chorus: Alicia Keys]
New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of
There's nothin' you can't do
Now you're in New York
These streets will make you feel brand new
Big lights will inspire you
Let's hear it for New York, New York,
New York

[Verse 2: Jay-Z]
Catch me at the X with OG at a Yankee game
Shit, I made the Yankee hat more famous then a Yankee can
You should know I bleed blue, but I ain't a Crip though
but I got a gang of niggas walkin' with my clique though
Welcome to the melting pot, corners where we sellin' rock
Afrika Bambataa shit, home of the hip-hop
Yellow cab, gypsy cab, dollar cab, holla back
for foreigners it ain't for, they act like they forgot how to act
8 million stories, out there in it naked
City, it's a pity, half of y'all won't make it
Me, I got a plug, Special Ed "I Got It Made"
If Jeezy's payin' LeBron, I'm payin' Dwyane Wade
Three dice cee-lo, three Card Monty
Labor Day Parade, rest in peace Bob Marley
Statue of Liberty, long live the World Trade
Long live the King yo, I'm from the Empire State that's

New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of
There's nothin' you can't do
Now you're in New York
These streets will make you feel brand new
Big lights will inspire you
Let's hear it for New York, New York,
New York

[Verse 3: Jay-Z]
Lights is blinding, girls need blinders
so they can step out of bounds quick, the sidelines is
lined with casualties, who sip to life casually
then gradually become worse, don't bite the apple eve
Caught up in the in-crowd, now you're in style
Anna Wintour gets cold, in Vogue with your skin out
City of sin, it's a pity on the wind
Good girls gone bad, the city's filled with them
Mami took a bus trip, now she got her bust out
Everybody ride her, just like a bus route
Hail Mary to the city, you're a virgin
And Jesus can't save you, life starts when the church end
Came here for school, graduated to the high life
Ball players, rap stars, addicted to the limelight
MDMA got you feelin' like a champion
The city never sleeps, better slip you an Ambien

New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of
There's nothin' you can't do
Now you're in New York
These streets will make you feel brand new
Big lights will inspire you
Let's hear it for New York, New York,
New York

[Bridge: Alicia Keys]
One hand in the air for the big city
Street lights, big dreams, all lookin' pretty
No place in the world that could compare
Put your lighters in the air
Everybody say "yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah"

New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of
There's nothin' you can't do
Now you're in New York
These streets will make you feel brand new
Big lights will inspire you
Let's hear it for New York, New York,
New York

Lupe Fiasco - The Show Goes On

Lupe Fiasco - The Show Goes On

[Chorus x2:]
Alright, already the show goes on
all night, till the morning we dream so long
anybody ever wonder, when they would see the sun up
just remember when you come up
the show goes on!

[Verse 1:]
Have you ever had the feeling that you was being had
Don’t that shit that make you mad
They treat you like a slave, with chains all on your soul,
and put whips up on your back,
they be lying through they teeth
hope you slip up off your path
I don’t switch up I just laugh
put my kicks up on they desk
unaffected by they threats than get busy on they ass
see that’s how that Chi-Town made me
That’s how my daddy raised me
that glittering may not be gold, don’t let no body play me
if you are my homeboy, you never have to pay me
Go on and put your hands up, when times are hard you stand up
L-U-P the man, cause a brand that the fans trust
so even if they ban us they’ll never slow my plans up!

[Chorus x2]
Alright, already the show goes on
all night, till the morning we dream so long
anybody ever wonder, when they would see the sun up
just remember when you come up
the show goes on!

[Verse 2:]
One in the air for the people that ain’t here
Two in the air for the father that’s there
Three in the air for the kids in the ghetto
Four for the kids who don’t wanna be there
None for the niggas trying to hold them back
Five in the air for the teacher not scared to tell those kids thats living in the ghetto that the niggas holdin back that the World is theirs!
Yeah yeah, the World is yours, I was once that little boy
Terrified of the World
Now I’m on a World tour
I will give up everything, even start a world war
for these ghettos girls and boys im rapping round’ the World for!
Africa to New York, Haiti then I detour, Oakland out to Auckland
Gaza Strip to Detroit, say hip-hop only destroy
tell em’ look at me, boy!
I hope your son don’t have a gun and never be a D-boy

[Chorus x2]
Alright, already the show goes on
all night, till the morning we dream so long
anybody ever wonder, when they would see the sun up
just remember when you come up
the show goes on!

[Verse 3:]
So no matter what you been through
no matter what you into
no matter what you see when you look outside your window
brown grass or green grass
picket fence or barbed wire
Never ever put them down
you just lift your arms higher
raise em till’ your arms tired
Let em’ know you’re there
That you struggling and survivin’ that you gonna persevere
Yeah, ain’t no body leavin, no body goin’ home
even if they turn the lights out the show is goin’ on!

[Chorus x2]
Alright, already the show goes on
all night, till the morning we dream so long
anybody ever wonder, when they would see the sun up
just remember when you come up
the show goes on!

Pitbull ft. Chris Brown - International Love

Pitbull ft. Chris Brown  - International Love

Went from Mr. 305, Dade County, to Mr. Worldwide, all around the world
Now we're International, so international, international, so international,

You can't catch me, boy (can't catch me, boy)
I'm overseas and about a hundred G's per show
Don't test me, boy (Don't test me, boy)
Cause I rap with the best for sure,
305 till the death of me
Cremate my body and let the ocean have what's left of me
But for now, forget about that,
Blow the whistle
Baby you're the referee

[Chorus: Chris Brown]
You put it down like New York City
I never sleep!
Wild like Los Angeles
My fantasy!
Hotter than Miami
I feel the heat!
Ohh, girl, it's International love
Ohh, it's International love

I don't play football but I've touched down everywhere
Everywhere? Everywhere!
I don't play baseball but I've hit a home run everywhere, everywhere
I've been to countries and cities I can't pronounce
And the places on the globe I didn't know existed
In Romania she pulled me to the side and told me Pit you can have me and my sister
In Lebanon yeah the women are bomb
And in Greece you've guessed it the women are sweet
Been all around the world but I ain't gon' lie there's nothing like Miami's heat

[Chorus: Chris Brown]
You put it down like New York City
I never sleep!
Wild like Los Angeles
My fantasy!
Hotter than Miami
I feel the heat!
Ohh, girl, it's International love
Ohh, It's International love

Down in D.R. they're looking for visas,
I ain't talking credit cards if you know what I mean!
En Cuba, la cosa taluda!
But the woman get down, if you know what I mean!
In Colombia the women got everything done but they are some of the most beautiful women I've ever seen
In Brazil they're freaky with big old boobs and their thongs, blue yellow and green!
In L.A. tengo la Mexicana, en New York tengo la boricua
Besito para todas las mujeres en Venezuela, muah!
Y en Miami tengo a cualquiera!

[Chorus: Chris Brown]
You put it down like New York City
I never sleep!
Wild like Los Angeles
My fantasy!
Hotter than Miami
I feel the heat!
Ohh (all around the world), it's international love (international)
Ohh, it's international love

[Chris Brown:]
There's not a place that your love don't affect me baby
So don't ever change
I crossed the globe when I'm with you, baby

Chris Brown, this is for the women worldwide
Let's rap

[Chorus x2: Chris Brown]
You put it down like New York City
I never sleep!
Wild like Los Angeles
My fantasy!
Hotter than Miami
I feel the heat!
Ohh, it's International love
Ohh, it's International love

Drake, Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Eminem - Forever

Drake, Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Eminem - Forever

It may not mean nothing to y'all
But understand nothing was done for me
So I don't plan on stopping at all
I want this shit forever mine, ever mine, ever mine
I'm shutting shit down at the mall
And telling every girl she the one for me
And I ain't even planning to call
I want this shit forever mine, ever mine, ever mine, ever mine

Last name ever
First name greatest
Like a sprained ankle boy I ain't nothing to play with
Started off local but thanks to all the haters
I know G4 pilots on a first name basis
In your city faded off the brown, Nino
She insists she got more class, we know
Swimming in the money come and find me, Nemo
If I was at the club you know I ball, chemo
Drop the mix tape that shit sounded like an album
Who'da thought a country wide tour'd be the outcome
Labels want my name beside the X like Malcolm
Everybody got a deal, I did it without one
Yeah nigga I'm about my business
Killing all these rappers you would swear I had a hit list
Everyone who doubted me is asking for forgiveness
If you ain't been a part of it at least you got to witness

It may not mean nothing to y'all
But understand nothing was done for me
So I don't plan on stopping at all
I want this shit forever mine, ever mine, ever mine
I'm shutting shit down at the mall
And telling every girl she the one for me
And I ain't even planning to call
I want this shit forever mine, ever mine, ever mine, ever mine

[Kanye West]
I used to have hood dreams
Big fame, big chains
I stuck my dick inside this life until that bitch came
I went hard all fall like the ball teams
Just so I can make it rain all spring
Y'all seen my story my glory
I had raped the game young
You can call it statutory
When a nigga blow up they gon' build statures of me
Old money Benjamin Button, what, nothing
Now super bad chicks giving me McLovin
You would think I ran the world like Michelle's husband
You would think these niggas would know me when they really doesn't
Like they was down with the old me no you fucking wasn't
You're such a fucking loser
He didn't even go to class Bueller
Trade the Grammy plaques just to have my granny back
Remember she had that bad hip like a fanny pack
Chasing the stardom will turn you into a maniac
All the way in Hollywood and I can't even act
They pull their cameras out and God damn they snap
I used to want this thing forever y'all can have it back

It may not mean nothing to y'all
But understand nothing was done for me
So I don't plan on stopping at all
I want this shit forever mine, ever mine, ever mine
I'm shutting shit down at the mall
And telling every girl she the one for me
And I ain't even planning to call
I want this shit forever mine, ever mine, ever mine, ever mine

[Lil Wayne]
OK, hello it's da Martian
Space jam Jordans
I want this shit forever wake up and smell the garden
Fresher than the harvest
Step up to the target
If I had one guess than I guess I'm just New Orleans
And I will never stop like I'm running from the cops
Hop up in my car and told my chauffeur to the top
Life is such a fucking roller coaster then it drops
But what should I scream for this is my theme park
My minds shine even when my thoughts seem dark
Pistol on my side you don't wanna hear that thing talk
Let the king talk check the price and pay attention
Lil Wayne that's what they got to say or mention
I'm like Nevada in the middle of the summer
I'm resting in the lead I need a pillow and a cover
Shhh, my foots sleeping on the gas
No brake pads, no such thing as last

It may not mean nothing to y'all
But understand nothing was done for me
So I don't plan on stopping at all
I want this shit forever mine, ever mine, ever mine
I'm shutting shit down at the mall
And telling every girl she the one for me
And I ain't even planning to call
I want this shit forever mine, ever mine, ever mine, ever mine

There they go, back in stadiums as Shady spits his flow
Nuts they go, macadamian they go so ballistic, whoa
We can make them look like Bozos
He's wondering if he should spit this slow
Fuck no! Go for broke
His cup just runneth over, oh no
He ain't had a real buzz like this since the last time that he overdosed
They've been waiting patiently for Pinocchio to poke his nose
Back into the game and they know
Rap will never be the same as before
Bashing in the brains of these hoes
And establishing a name as he goes
The passion and the flame is ignited
You can't put it out once we light it
This shit is exactly what the fuck that I'm talking about when we riot
You dealing with a few true villains
Whose stand inside of the booth truth spilling
And spit true feelings, until our tooth fillings come flying up out of our mouths
Now rewind it!
Payback motherfucker for the way that you got at me how's it taste?
When I slap the taste out your mouth with the bass so loud that it shakes the place
I'm Hannibal Lecter so just in case you're thinking of saving face
You ain't gonna have no face to save by the time I'm through with this place
So Drake

It may not mean nothing to y'all
But understand nothing was done for me
So I don't plan on stopping at all
I want this shit forever mine, ever mine, ever mine
I'm shutting shit down at the mall
And telling every girl she the one for me
And I ain't even planning to call
I want this shit forever mine, ever mine, ever mine, ever mine

Eminem ft. Lil Wayne - No Love

Eminem ft. Lil Wayne - No Love

Don't hurt me.
Don't hurt me
No more.
Young Money...
No more.

[Verse 1 ‒ Lil Wayne]
Throw dirt on me and grow a wildflower
But it's "fuck the world", get a child out her
Yeah, my life a bitch, but you know nothing about her
Been to hell and back, I can show you vouchers
I'm rolling Sweets, I'm smoking sour
Married to the game but she broke her vows
That's why my bars are full of broken bottles
And my night stands are full of open Bibles
I think about more than I forget
But I don't go around fire expecting not to sweat
And these niggas know I lay them down, make them beg
Bitches try to kick me while I'm down: I'll break your leg
Money outweighing problems on a triple beam
I'm sticking to the script, you niggas skipping scenes
Be good or be good at it
Fucking right I've got my gun, semi-Cartermatic
Yeah, put a dick in their mouth, so I guess it's "fuck what they say"
I'm high as a bitch: up, up and away
Man, I'll come down in a couple of days
OK, you want me up in a cage, then I'll come out in beast mode
I got this world stuck in the safe, combination is the cheat code
It's Weezy motherfucker, blood gang and I'm in bleed mode
All about my dough but I don't even check the peephole
So you can keep knocking but won't knock me down
No love lost, no love found

[Hook ‒ Eminem & Lil Wayne]
It's a little too late to say that you're sorry now
You kicked me when I was down
But what you say just (don't hurt me)
That's right bitch (don't hurt me)
And I don't need you (no more)
Don't want to see you (no more)
Ha, bitch you get (no love)
You showed me nothing but hate
You ran me into the ground
But what comes around goes around
I don't need you (don't hurt me)
That's right (you don't hurt me)
And I don't need you (no more)
Don't want to see you
You get (no love)
Bitch you get (no love)
And I don't need you (no more)
Get em

[Verse 2 ‒ Eminem]
I'm alive again
More alive than I have been in my whole entire life
I can see these people's ears perk up as I begin
To spaz with the pen, I'm a little bit sicker than most
Shit's gonna get thick again
They say the competition is stiff
But I get a hard dick from this shit, now stick it in
I ain't never giving in again
Caution to the wind, complete freedom
Look at these rappers, how I treat them
So why the fuck would I join 'em when I beat 'em
They call me a freak 'cause
I like to spit on these pussies 'fore I eat them
Man get these whack cocksuckers off stage
Where the fuck is Kanye when you need him?
Snatch the mic from him, bitch I'mma let you finish in a minute
Yeah that rap was tight
But I'm furnished with the greatest verse of all time
So you might wanna go back to the lab tonight and um
Scribble out them rhymes you were gonna spit
And start over from scratch and write new ones
But I'm afraid that it ain't gonna make no difference
When I rip this stage and tear it in half tonight
It's an adrenaline rush to feel the bass thump
In the place all the way to the parking lot, fellow
Set fire to the mic and ignite the crowd
You can see the sparks from hot metal
Cold-hearted from the day I Bogarted the game
I so started to rock fellow
When I'm not even in my harshest
You can still get roasted 'cause Marsh is not mellow
Til I'm toppling from the top I'm not going to stop
I'm standing on my Monopoly board
That means I'm on top of my game and it don't stop
Til my hip don't hop anymore (shit)
When you're so good that you can't say it
'Cause it ain't even cool for you to sound cocky anymore (shit)
People just get sick cause you spit
These fools can't drool or dribble a drop anymore
And you can never break my stride
You never slow the momentum at any moment I'm about to blow
You'll never take my pride
Killing the flow, slow venom and the opponent
Is getting no mercy, mark my words
Ain't letting up, relentless
I smell blood, I don't give a fuck: keep giving them hell
Where was you when I fell and needed help up?
You get no love

[Hook ‒ Eminem & Lil Wayne]
It's a little too late to say that you're sorry now
You kicked me when I was down
But what you say just (don't hurt me)
That's right, it (don't hurt me)
I don't need ya (no more)
Don't wanna see ya (no more)
Bitch you get no (love)
You showed me nothin' but hate
You ran me into the ground
But what comes around goes around (around)
And I don't need you
Don't hurt me (that's right)
You don't hurt me (and I don't need ya) no more
(Don't wanna see ya) no more
Bitch you get no love (no), no love (no), no love (no)
No love
Bitch you get no love (no), no love (no), no love
And I don't need ya (no more)
Bitch you get no (love)  

Travie McCoy ft. Bruno Mars - Billionare

Travie McCoy: Billionaire ft. Bruno Mars

[Bruno Mars]
I wanna be a billionaire so fucking bad
Buy all of the things I never had
Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen

Oh every time I close my eyes
I see my name in shining lights yeah
A different city every night alright
I swear the world better prepare
For when I'm a billionaire

[Travis "Travie" McCoy]
Yeah I would have a show like Oprah
I would be the host of everyday Christmas
Give Travie your wish list
I'd probably pull an Angelina and Brad Pitt
And adopt a bunch of babies that ain't never had shit
Give away a few Mercedes like 'Here lady have this'
And last but not least grant somebody their last wish
It's been a couple months since that I've been single so
You can call me Travie Claus minus the Ho Ho
Get it, I'd probably visit where Katrina hit
And damn sure do a lot more than FEMA did
Yeah, can't forget about me, stupid
Everywhere I go, Imma have my own theme music

Oh every time I close my eyes (whatcha see whatcha see)
I see my name in shining lights (uhuh uhuh yo what else)
A different city every night alright (yeahh yeahh yeah)
I swear the world better prepare (for what?)
For when I'm a billionaire
Oh oooh oh oooh for when I'm a billionaire
Oh oooh oh oooh for when I'm a billionaire

[Travis "Travie" McCoy]
I'll be playing basketball with the President
Dunking on his delegates
Then I'll compliment him on his political etiquette
Toss a couple milli in the air just for the heck of it
But keep the fives, twenties, tens and bens completely separate
And yeah I'll be in a whole new tax bracket
We in recession but let me take a crack at it
I'll probably take whatever's left and just split it up
So everybody that I love can have a couple bucks
And not a single tummy around me would know what hungry was
Eating good, sleeping soundly
I know we all have a similar dream
Go in your pocket, pull out your wallet
put it in the air and sing

[Bruno Mars]
I wanna be a billionaire so fucking bad (so bad)
Buy all of the things I never had (buy everything )
Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen (what up Oprah )

Oh every time I close my eyes (whatcha see whatcha see)
I see my name in shining lights (uhuh uhuh what else)
A different city every night alright (yeahh yeahh yeah)
I swear the world better prepare (for what?)
For when I'm a billionaire
Oh oooh oh oooh for when I'm a billionaire
Oh oooh oh oooh for when I'm a billionaire

I wanna be a billionaire so fucking bad! 


Lil Wayne ft. Eminem - Drop The World

Lil Wayne ft. Eminem - Drop The World

[Verse 1: Lil Wayne]
I got ice in my veins, blood in my eyes
Hate in my heart, love in my mind
I seen nights full of pain, days of the same
You keep the sunshine, save me the rain
I search but never find, hurt but never cry
I work and forever try, but I'm cursed so never mind
And it's worse but better times seem further and beyond
The top gets higher, the more that I climb
The spot gets smaller and I get bigger
Tryna get into where I fit in, no room for a nigga
But soon for a nigga it be on motherfucker
Cause all this bullshit, it made me strong motherfucker

So I pick the world up and I'm a drop it on your fuckin' head, yeahh!
Bitch, I'm a pick the world up and I'm a drop it on your fuckin' head
(YEAH) And I could die now rebirth mother fucker
Hop up in my spaceship and leave Earth
Motherfucker I'm gone
Motherfucker I'm gone

[Verse 2: Lil Wayne]
I know what they don't wanna tell you
Just hope you're heaven sent, and you're hell proof
I walk up in the world and cut the lights off
And confidence is a stain they can't wipe off
Uhhh, my word is my pride
But wisdom is bleak and that's a word from the wise
Served to survive, murdered and bribed
And when it got too heavy I put my burdens aside

So I could pick the world up and I'm a drop it on your fuckin' head, ha ha yeahh!
Bitch, I'm a pick the world up and I'm a drop it on your fuckin' head
(YEAH) And I could die now rebirth mother fucker
Hop up in my spaceship and leave Earth
Motherfucker I'm gone
Motherfucker I'm gone
[Eminem:] I'm gone

[Verse 3: Eminem]
It hurts but I never show, this pain you'll never know
If only you could see just how lonely and how cold
And frostbit I've become, my back's against the wall
When push comes to shove I just stand up and scream 'Fuck 'em all! '
Man it feels like these walls are closin' in
This roof is cavin' in, but it's time to raise it then
Your days are numbered like pages
And my book of rhymes got them crookin' boy
This crooked mind of mine got them all shook
And scared to look in my eyes
I stole that fuckin' clock, I took the time
And I came up from behind and pretty much snuck up
And butt fucked this game up
Better be careful when you bring my name up
Fuck this fame, that ain't what I came to claim
But the game ain't gonna be the same on the day that I leave it
But I swear one way or another I'm a make these fuckin' haters believe it
I swear to God, won't spare the rod
I'm a man of my word, so your fuckin' heads better nod
Or I'm a fuck around in this bitch and roast everybody
Sleep on me that pillow is where your head'll lie
Permanently bitch, it's beddy bye
This world is my Easter egg, yeah prepare to die
My head is swole, my confidence is up
This stage is my pedestal, I'm unstoppable
Incredible hulk you're trapped in my medicine bowl
I could run circles around you so fast your fuckin head'll spin, dawg
I split your cabbage and your lettuce and olives
I'll fuckin'

Pick the world up and I'm a drop it on your fuckin' head, yeahh!
Bitch, I'm a pick the world up and I'm a drop it on your fuckin' head
And I could die now rebirth mother fucker
Hop up in my spaceship and leave Earth
Mother fucker I'm gone
Mother fucker I'm gone
[Eminem:] I'm gone