
Your Great Potential

To build something beautiful and wonderful takes time and effort. Make good use of every moment you have.

You can go a long, long way. To do so, you must be going on that way every chance you get.

What you can accomplish is truly amazing. So work on it with persistence and commitment, and bring all that great value to life.

The minutes and hours of this day will quickly pass no matter what you do with them. Choose to do the highest and best with each of them, and to fulfill your great potential.

Rather than dwelling on the excuses, focus intently on the possibilities. Find great joy in the fact that you can make a difference, and make that difference again and again.

You can do great things. Feel that potential, then get busy and fulfill it.

New Level Courage

It is comfortable to stay where you are. But soon, that comfort will turn into boredom, frustration and regret.

It is uncomfortable to take on a challenge and to venture along a new path. Yet that is precisely what makes you stronger, more interesting, more capable and more fully alive.

Go ahead and do what makes you feel slightly apprehensive. That is also what makes you grow.

Feel the fear and apprehension. Learn from it all and let it prepare you.

Then, step boldly forward. Experience the new level of courage you have just attained.

Make good, purposeful use of that courage so that it grows ever stronger. And let it lead you forward into the true greatness that is your destiny.


Persistent Positive Perspective

If you are resentful about the interruptions, you make those interruptions last even longer. When you get angry about being hurt, you prolong the pain.

Negativity wastes your time and your life. In return, it brings you nothing desirable.

Negativity causes you to see and experience troubles that otherwise would not be there. Negativity blinds you to the goodness that is all around you, and separates you from much of life’s richness.

When you feel resentment, anger, envy, despair, anxiety or any other negative feeling coming on, quickly let it go. Make the choice to not allow a negative perspective to drain value from your life.

It can be very easy to be negative in response to life’s various occurrences. Yet it becomes extremely difficult to live with the consequences of all that negativity.

It is actually just as easy to let the negativity go. Make that choice, and fill your life with the real treasures that come from a persistent positive perspective.

Choose To Feel

When you don’t feel like smiling, that’s when a smile will absolutely do the most good. When you don’t feel like laughter, that’s when a laugh can completely change your whole outlook.

You do not have to live at the mercy of your feelings. You can choose to be the master of those feelings and the master of your actions.

It doesn’t matter whether it is easy or hard, reasonable or unreasonable to choose the way you act and feel. You can do it anyway.

Don’t use your feelings as an easy excuse to do the wrong thing. Use them as a well-informed guide for doing what is good and right.

Pay attention to your feelings, learn from them, experience, enjoy and appreciate them. But don’t let them enslave you.

Go ahead, feel life intensely. And make the choice to be in control and to live with intelligent, positively focused purpose.

See The Goodness

What if you could eagerly look forward to the things you now resent and avoid? What if you could find genuine enjoyment in the things that now frustrate you?

The fact is, you can do all that and more. Because you are in control of the way you see each and every part of your life.

Just imagine the power and freedom of not being intimidated by those things that now intimidate you. Just imagine not being blinded by fear, frustration, resentment or envy.

Such a powerful, effective state is well within your reach, right now. It’s just a matter of making the choice to see each thing in life from a more positive perspective.

Instead of fighting against what you must do, you can be enjoying and benefiting from it. Instead of living in a world that resists you, you can be living in a world that supports you.

The quality of your life is driven by the quality of your perspective. See the goodness, and that goodness will most certainly fill your world.

Relaxing Peace

sometimes the most powerful thing you can do is relax. Constantly worrying about being more effective is not what makes you more effective.

What makes you more effective is living with authenticity. What makes you more effective is staying focused on a meaningful purpose.

Give yourself the time and space to remember the best of who you are and what you truly care about. Give yourself the benefit of a peaceful, relaxed perspective.

Much of what is urgent is not particularly important. Step back from the noisy, breathless confusion and fall gently into a feeling of real peace.

Take time to breathe deeply and calmly, to experience, to wonder, to love, and to live. Take time to see the goodness, and to make a little more of it.

Within you is the potential for healing, relaxing peace. Let it come and let it be


Rich and Richer

The way to be rich is to realize how rich you are. The way to be rich is to express and to live the unique abundance that is yours.

It’s not what you get that makes you rich. It’s what you do with all you have.

The way to be truly rich is to make good, meaningful use of what you have. The way to be exceptionally rich is to be generous with all that you are.

The abundance of the universe is literally everywhere. What transforms that abundance into real richness is your choice to make purposeful, loving use of it.

Each day is overflowing with possibilities for new richness. See the best possibilities, act on them, and find true delight in making life richer and richer.

Make joyful use of each moment, and sincerely give the best of who you are. Live a life that is rich indeed.


Looking Happy and Being Happy

Happiness is not based on the way you appear. Happiness is an authentic state of being that you can choose.

When you are truly happy, people around you will no doubt see it. Yet there’s so much more to being happy than merely looking happy.

If you’re striving to impress others with how happy you are, you’re not happy at all. Let go of the striving and the needs, and allow happiness.

You can be happy doing nothing. You can be happy doing anything.

Happiness does not come from the situation the person is in. Happiness comes from the person who is in the situation.

Be the person to allow happiness. And you can experience it at any and every time and place.


Polibatam English Club: Gimana caranya supaya berani ngomong pake bahasa i...

Polibatam English Club: Gimana caranya supaya berani ngomong pake bahasa inggris

Love This Day

Love this day and it will be good to you. Treasure this opportunity to experience life, and the experience will be beautiful.

The progress you seek does not always come in the ways you thought it would. Yet when you seek, and persist, and expect it, that progress does always come.

Don’t let yourself become too troubled by the troubles. Remind yourself to take it all in stride, and you will find great value and richness along the way.

Go forward with clear and positive intentions, seeking to make a beneficial difference for all. In whatever may happen, you will discover new ways to further your authentic purpose.

In its every aspect, life is predominately the way you consider it to be. Consider it to be unique, precious, miraculous, filled with opportunity and abundance, and give each moment of your reality a positive flavor.

Make the decision to love this day, this place, this moment, this special experience of life with the people around you. And there will be so very much to love.


Offer Peace

Take what the world gives you and in return, offer peace. Let go of the wish that this moment could be different, and live it as it is, in your own sense of peace.

Make the effort, but don’t make it a fight. Achieve all kinds of great, wonderful and ambitious things, and achieve them with a peaceful heart.

What good is success if you must go against your own best nature to reach it? Work to succeed not through conflict, but through a peaceful, useful, helpful, loving presence.

When you find yourself thinking angry, anxious, judgmental or fearful thoughts, make the choice to make a change. Challenge yourself to think from a more peaceful perspective.

Offer peace to those around you, and most certainly to yourself. Experience the positive, highly effective power that comes from rising above the conflicts.

In the big things, and in the small matters, offer peace to life. Experience the power that authentic peace can bring to every part of your world.

Find The Good

It’s just as easy to choose joy as it is to choose despair. It’s just as easy to imagine the best that can happen as it is to imagine the worst.

It’s really not so difficult to find the good in any situation. You simply have to make the decision to look with positive expectations.

It is just as realistic to respond to life with positive enthusiasm as it is to respond with negativity. And it puts you in a whole lot better, more powerful place.

Take a step back away from your ego. Look objectively and carefully at the way you live each moment.

See that you always have a choice when it comes to your attitude, your actions, your assumptions and expectations. Then imagine arranging all those things into a highly effective positive perspective.

Rather than living by habit and reaction, make the choice to live by intention. Decide that it will be a great day, a great year, a great experience, a great life, and then make it so.


Let In The Possibilities

When you can let go of the need for something, you are much closer to attaining it. Move beyond the need, and you move into the reality of whatever you desire.

By very definition, as long as you need it, you don’t have it. More to the point, as long as you see yourself as needing it, you’re not seeing yourself as having it.

Choose instead to see yourself as already living the reality of whatever you wish to have in your life. Then, choose to more fully implement and express that reality each day with your thoughts, feelings, words and actions.

Realize that whatever you desire is already yours in many important ways. Understand that you do not have to need it because you can already begin to live it whenever you choose.

To the extent that you feel need, you fill your mind with thoughts of lack and limitation. A much more empowering choice is to lovingly and gratefully accept each day as it is, and to open yourself to the countless possibilities for fulfilling your highest desires.

Let go of the needs and let in those possibilities. Let go of the needs and let your life be filled with richness and joy.


Often Enough

Persistence is really quite simple, and extremely powerful. If you don’t get it right the first time, see it not as a failure but as an opportunity for another more informed and experienced attempt.

The best response to a disappointing result is more effort. Feel the disappointment, let it make you more determined, and then move quickly to a highly effective state of taking action.

Do what must be done, then do it again and again, and again. Even the smallest action can have enormous impact when repeated often enough.

But how can you get back up when you’ve just fallen down? You do it by reminding yourself it’s clearly the best choice, and then making the choice to act in your own best interest.

Persistence is not always easy, yet it’s not particularly complicated either. You’ve made the effort before, so it’s really not such a big deal to go ahead and make it again.

Do that often enough, and your actions take on great power and effectiveness. Do that often enough, and achievement is yours.

Be Glad You Did

Before you do anything, ask yourself a quick, simple question. A week from now, or a year from now, will you be glad you did it?

It may right now seem to be a lot of trouble and expense and inconvenience. And yet it may also be a one-time opportunity that you’ll always be thankful you acted upon.

Will you later be glad you did it? Then go ahead and do whatever it takes to make it happen.

Or, by the same measure, will you soon come to regret what you are about to do? If that’s the case, then find something more productive, more creative, more life enhancing.

You have the ability right now to determine exactly how you will feel when you look back on this day. So now, while you have the chance, make this day one that you can look back upon with great fondness and gratitude.

Live this day fully in the beautiful present moment, while also keeping the future in mind. And you will indeed be glad you did.